Wednesday, December 07, 2005


My first-ever Hollidailies entry and there's nothing to report. It's been quiet today, especially compared to yesterday, but maybe that's a good thing. I'm kind of tired, but not like the days after my past rounds of chemo. I've been taking it easy, in case I do have another allergic reaction, but I've gotten some things done around the house. Unloaded the dishwasher and loaded the dirty dishes (after taking a break) and even scooped some snow off the walk after filling the birdfeeders this morning.

Finished watching "The Pacifier" a bit ago, and it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't give it four stars, but it was a good snowy-day distraction. Maybe I'll do some surfing and then get back to my book, "," by Joan Hess. I don't remember reading this one, but I do know I read the one after this one in the series. So either I skipped this one or the chemo brain erased it completely!

Tonight, not much planned. Maybe I'll just finish the book and go back to the library tomorrow and see if they got anything good in over the last few days. Maybe I'll see if they're getting then new Sue Grafton Kinsey Milhone novel, "S is for Silence." It wasn't in their electronic card catalog the other day. There's usually a waiting list for her books though, so if you're reading it now, don't spoil it for me!

Is there anything worse than daytime TV? Yeesh.

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