Saturday, December 03, 2005

In the mood?

I woke up this morning to falling snow. Not the wind-driven blizzard kind, but just a light powdery kind gently drifting to the ground. I bundled up and took Nipper with me to refill the bird feeders and we tramped around the creek together and played in the backyard for awhile. Now we're sitting on my bed where I can look out the window and watch the birds at the feeders while sipping hot chocolate and nibbling on shortbread cookies while listening to "A Charlie Brown Christmas." The snow is getting lighter now, but it's the perfect kind to remind you of the season.

Outside at the feeders are a couple of female cardinals (unusual to see), juncos, house finches, gold finches (in their winter green/gray), numerous sparrows and even a mourning dove. I've seen four doves at the feeders at once. Usually I don't see them at all. It must be a tough winter for the birds.

I found out recently that a couple of people I know with breast cancer have had recurrences. One is my mom's college friend, Bonnie, who has been a real inspiration. She's dealt with bc about five times in the last decade or so. She's taking a drug now to try to reduce the tumors. The other is an online friend who has been dealing with bc a couple years and provided some comfort and guidance after I was diagnosed. She had surgery recently to remove one tumor from her brain, and has several more that they will have to figure out how to deal with. I send my best hopes for both of them.

Not much on the schedule for today. Laundry. Maybe some reading. Maybe some online Christmas shopping. Just a nice, quiet weekend. Hope yours is, too.


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