Friday, December 16, 2005

Cough, cough, sniff

I'm home sick today, having caught a cold from a co-worker. Yes, the same co-worker from whom I caught a cold right after my surgery to put in my port. The cold that lasted over a week. I don't think it will be that bad this time. I don't feel that awful, but decided to stay home so it wouldn't get worse and I'd have to worry about putting off my next treatment. I'm tired, but my throat's feeling better. I can use the time to start, er finish, my Christmas cards.

It's supposed to snow this weekend, starting tonight and with at least a slight chance until Monday. The Weather Channel doesn't hold much hope for a white Christmas, though. That's OK. It's not like I'm expecting a sled for Christmas. Since I'll be working the day before, the day after and have treatment the Tuesday after Christmas, not dealing with snow would be OK by me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon.