Thursday, December 22, 2005

Back to work

I went back to work this afternoon. Everybody seemed pretty glad to see me, which always makes you feel good. It was pretty slow around the office, as it always is this time of year. We really have to stretch to fill the paper some days at the end of the year. Hence, all the end-of-the-year wrapups and top ten stories of the year type of stuff we publish. We started the top ten last year, and it's a pretty good idea, at least from the aspect of filling some space.

Tomorrow, a full day, and then I work Saturday on the desk for Sunday's paper. We're looking at a 7 p.m. press time (as opposed to the usual midnight), so that won't be so bad. Then back to work Monday, and chemo on Tuesday. I'll take an extra day Wednesday to recover from that, and then it's probably back in my little "office" since I think the drug I'll be starting Tuesday is also one that affects my immune system. Well, I'll have a private place to gripe about things again at least.

Feeling better from the kidney stone adventure. Still a little sore in the kidney area, but it doesn't seem that bruised. Had a bit of "pebbles" last night move through, I think, but they said it could take up to two weeks for all the pieces of the stone to flush through my system. Yay.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I hope you have a very merry Christmas w/ your family!! I hope your kidney stones are all resolved now!! Lots of hugs and healing to you sweets!!