Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Feeling good

Today's been a good day. I had my second Herceptin infusion today, and I think I'm going to like Tuesdays.

I had my usual kinda down feeling about work, then had to head out about 1 p.m. to my treatment. I got to the cancer center and when the nurse took me into the treatment room, she offered to bring me some hot chocolate. She got a saline started to flush my port and then brought me a couple of chocolate chip cookies. And after getting my hercepton started and taking my blood pressure, she turned out the light and let me have a nice, hour-long nap. It was a nice break in the workday, and when I got back to the office, I was in a great mood. It helped that I also had to go the library to pick up some photos from the history room for the mystery photo contest, so I took my time and also found myself a couple of books -- Janet Evanovich's "Eleven on Top" and "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. I said last year I was going to read it, having only seen various film and TV adaptions, but didn't get around to it. So this year I will.

After work, Mom came in to town and we picked out our Christmas tree and had dinner out. Yesterday in town, I picked up some cheap plastic Christmas bows to put on the fenceposts by the driveway and repaired my recycled Christmas tree and got it lit up (it's made of instant breakfast drink cans spray painted green on the outside with holes drilled in the back to stick multicolored lights in. It's flimsy and and kinda cheap, but it looks nice on the porch. And it's recycled! Just don't kick it on your way in the door!

Now we're watching the finale of "The Amazing Race." Go Bransons! If the weavers win, I will become an atheist.

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