Sunday, December 11, 2005


Saturday turned out to not be a great day. A friend from work and I got together for lunch before I had to go to work, which is nice, since neither of us gets out that much. We tried a new bbq place run by a guy who used to work at the paper. We both had the roast beef sandwich, and I added the macaroni salad. We sat and talked for about an hour before I had to get to the office. Awhile later, though, I was not feeling that great. My stomach was definitely unsettled, and it never quite back to normal all day or night. I made a lot of trips to the freezing cold bathroom and went through a half a roll of Tums (why do they even bother trying to flavor them like candy?) and a can of Sprite. I was a bit worried being sick had something to do with my chemo last Tuesday, but Judy stopped by later in the afternoon and said she wasn't feeling too well, either. Plus, my neck was stiff, too, and I couldn't get it to pop or anything. All I wanted to do all night was finish up, drive home real fast and get in my comfy bed with my dog curled up against my stomach and a heating pad on my neck. And when I did, it was heaven.

Today, I took it easy. Slept in and started some laundry. Watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." I laughed out loud several times. Johnny Depp was charmingly creepy. I'd have to say I like this better than the Gene Wilder version of the story, but that's got an appeal all its own.

Nipper and I took a walk to Dad's house, where Mom had gone after getting work this morning. They were standing out on the porch, watching us arrive. It was funny, because when we were getting ready for our walk, I said to Nipper, "We could go walk to Dad's." And that's exactly what he wanted to do. Normally, when we get to 10th street, we'll head east to the park, but he just wanted to go north -- which we never do. He wanted to follow the road, though. I had to make him cut across the ballfields, which he was happy to do once he figured out that meant I'd take his leash off for awhile.

We visited with Mom & Dad for awhile, and then headed for home with Mom in her truck. She's taking a nap now so we can watch the "Survivor" finale tonight. I'm hoping Danni wins it -- not just because she's from my home state, but because it would be a nice come-from-behind kind of win from someone who was kind of numerically on the odds out of winning. At least I don't HATE any of the last contestants this time. Lydia is maybe the only one who hasn't really played the game, floating along on others' coattails, but she has gotten farther than many.

"Survivor" ends tonight, "Amazing Race" on Tuesday ... can't they time these things a little better? What are we supposed to watch after this week?

I suppose there's always books.

Good one.

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