Monday, December 19, 2005

It gets worse

I didn't make it in to work today. I was doing fine until I woke up at 5 a.m. on the dot, and my back was hurting. I thought maybe I had just slept in a funny position and my back was stiff, but after about 10 minutes I knew that wasn't true. I tried lying still for awhile to see if it would go away, but it didn't. I was a bit scared about it. I called Mom at work and asked her what she thought we should do. We decided I'd take a Percocet and see how it goes.

The painkiller helped and I was able to get some more sleep. I didn't have to take another until noon, but this one worked only for about three hours. I'm only supposed to take one every four hours. So we called the urologist's office, and they said either I could get a scrip for stronger pain pills and wait until Wednesday when I'm supposed to get it taken care of any way, or I could come in tomorrow and have a stent put in so the urine can go around the stone (which was going to be done Wednesday anyway). I opted for getting the stent early.

So I go in early tomorrow morning and get that taken care of. No Herceptin infusion tomorrow; they can make that up next week. And then I still go in Wednesday for the sound waves, at least as far as I know. The big problem is, I can't have anything after midnight because I'll be getting anesthesia, so any pain I get overnight I'm just going to have to tough it out.

It sounds like a cliche, but I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. It really stinks that it's happening at this time of year, too. It hasn't put me in the Christmas spirit at all, and I'm looking forward more to this episode being over rather than the holiday. My birthday is a week from Friday and I had hoped to do a little something, maybe go out after work this Friday with co-workers, since I've got a big chemo next Tuesday and probably won't feel up to it on the real day, and maybe do something with the parents as well. Now I don't feel up to that either.

I'm just ready for this crap to be over with.

1 comment:

Julie said...

you are in my thoughts and prayers Dear one. It seems way too harsh for one person to have to deal w/ all you have had to deal with. But you do it. If I can do anything, Let me know.
You aren't alone. It's not much, but we think of you and hold you close for your healing and great things too happen soon and for things to turn around for you.