Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A small setback

I felt a little worse this afternoon. Mom took me in for my white blood cell booster shot, and when we got back she went to get some gas for the lawnmower, dropping me off at the door. I thought I was just tired and needed to lie down, but as soon as the door closed behind me, I suddenly felt worse. Like I was going to throw up. I lay on the loveseat for awhile, and poor Nipper came and lay down with me (he usually doesn't snuggle in the summer). I didn't puke, but I made it into bed and started having some chills. When Mom got back, I had her get me one of my anti-nausea drugs and took a long nap.

I feel a little better tonight, but took a couple acetaminophen for a headache. I'm probably going to head to bed early and see how I feel in the morning, whether or not I'll go into work.


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