Monday, August 15, 2005


I did finally get some sleep last night, after taking half of one of anti-nausea pills. It was amazing the difference it made. Not only did I physically relax, but I was mentally relaxed, too. Even though I didn't get a full night's sleep, the sleep I did get was restful, and when I was awake, I didn't fret and worry and toss and turn.

I felt pretty good when I did get up this morning, but took a turn soon after getting to work. I started to lose my voice, get fatigued and cold. Normally, I think it's cold where I work and end up wearing a sweater inside year-round, but this morning I had to borrow a heavy jacket a co-worker keeps at her desk and wore both hers and mine.

I went in for my first weekly blood test this afternoon and when they called with the results, they said my white blood cell count is really low, which is a problem. So now I have three new pills to take this week in hopes of getting it back up. If it's too low, not only am I more susceptible to catching something, but they can't treat me either. So, I'll be home from work, which isn't great because we've got the Back to School issue to put together and run Thursday. I feel kind of bad about it, because that's a lot of work and want to carry my fair share, but everyone at work does seem to be understanding about it. But still.

I've got to take care of myself, though. That's the important thing.

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