Wednesday, August 17, 2005

How low can you go?

The hospital just called with the results of today's blood test. My white blood cell count is at 0.8. Holy shit. They don't seem real concerned, just tell me that if I start running a fever I should go to the ER. An online friend who had breast cancer a couple years ago told me today hers got around 2.3 for a couple weeks and they were concerned.

Some good news is that at work, they said they'd check into getting me set up to do some work from home. I think that would help because I've been kind of down about not being able to help with the big deadlines going on this week, or seeing my friends plus just having something constructive to do. Especially today, where the only thing on the local channels was the BTK sentencing ALL DAY.

Send some white-blood-cell increasing thoughts and prayers my way, OK?

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