Thursday, August 18, 2005

It worked

Yay! My white blood cell count is up ... just a little. But it's good to hear some good news, no matter how small. I still won't be able to go to work tomorrow, but maybe by Monday I'll be back to an acceptable level. At work, they're trying to come up with a way to deal with this, should it happen again. I don't know that I'll be able to work from home, because apparently that would take a lot of server space due to security concerns. I'm not sure how well it would work to separate me from the general work area, because frankly the ventilation system there scares me. My current workstation is right under an air vent and once in a while some piece of fluff consisting of who knows how many years' worth of crud will come floating down on me. Go in a smaller area like the bathroom and the vents look a cat is laying against it. And even though the building is zoned, with different areas having their own thermostats, I don't think they're actually separate. Someone sneezing in the newsroom might get to me anyway. It's all very frustrating. I miss seeing my friends.

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