Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Getting closer

Met with the oncologist today, and had a bit of a surprise. She looks younger than me! She was very good to talk to, answered our questions, although she did seem a bit rushed. Maybe that's just because while checking in, I heard one of the office staff say her schedule was crammed.

But it feels good to know more. Friday, I have a heart test to make sure I don't have any hidden heart problems, since one of the drugs I'll be taking can actually cause heart problems. Then my first treatment is Tuesday afternoon. They have private rooms with a TV and VCR for the treatment, and I can always take the laptop to watch a DVD or do some writing. Plus, there's some reading I need to catch up on, so it doesn't sound like chemo will be too awful.

Ask me about that next Tuesday night, when I have my head in the toilet!

For those of you looking for details, I'll get on to it.

The drugs I'll be taking:
  • Fluorouracil (5-Fu)
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Doxorubicin

I'll get treatment once every three weeks, with the docs checking on the size of the tumor. Surgery will come after about 12 weeks of treatment, and after about a month to heal from that, another three months of treatment. I'll be on herception for about a full year, too, with weekly injections.

And now the fun part -- the side effects:

  • hair loss
  • loss of appetite
  • mild rash
  • darkening of skin (I'm pretty pale, so that might not be a bad thing!)
  • nausea
  • allergic-type reactions
  • cold/flu type symptoms
    ... and my favorite
  • red pee!

The doc also said some people develop a problem with the smell of cooking meat. I hope I don't. Meat. MMMMmmmmmMMMM.

Anywhoo, I guess that's about it for now, at least about the c-thing. Onto stuff that really matters: the bunnies! They've been out of the nest, hopping around the little fence we put up. When I got home, though, three of them were napping in the nest, all bunched up together. One of them had another's ass in his face, and there were feet, little ears and tiny, fluffy tails all tangled together. A fourth one was resting under the dusty miller. So cute!

One of our photogs came out to take pics of them this afternoon, in a desperate search for a photo for the outdoors page Friday, so maybe I'll have something to post tomorrow or Friday.

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