Friday, August 19, 2005

I'm an oddity

That's what my nurse at the cancer center said today. They've never had a patient whose white blood cell count bottomed out like mine. She explained the formula they use to figure out the count, which I didn't follow enough to relate here, but the number they look for in order for a patient to get chemo is 1,500. Monday, she said, mine was at 90. The lowest it got was 70. So I have had next to no white blood cells in my body. Scary though, huh?

The good news is that it started coming up finally! And it's up a bit more today. They're still taking it day-by-day, so at this point I'm not sure if I can go back to work Monday. I may not know that until Sunday. Or maybe even Monday, if I have to have lab work done again that day.

And, if I get my count back up to where they'll let me go to work, I might not have to be separated from everyone, unless someone I work in close proximity to is sick. Someone sick across the room would be OK, as long I keep contact to a minimum.

I might have to go through this all again the next time, but at least they should have a better idea of what to do.

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