Monday, May 07, 2007

Shoulda got some film

I had planned to over the weekend, but forgot, and so of course there was a reason to get a picture just a bit ago. I had just sat down to eat my dinner at the computer and looked out the window to see a male wood duck perched on my pole-mounted birdfeeder. I've had ducks come around, but they've never actually gotten up on the feeder like that, just checked out what was on the ground. He had a mate, but she stayed on the ground. She did get under the fence and waddled around the yard a bit before she flew off and he followed her.

Nipper is doing much better. He got sick again late Saturday night and threw up some dogfood (which I found with my foot in the dark), and still wasn't feeling well Sunday morning. I let him sleep Sunday, and fed him some cream of wheat, then some chicken and rice for dinner. He loved that, of course. Tonight, I made spaghetti for my dinner and gave him a bit of hamburger. We took a short walk after I got home from work, and he got tired, but was doing OK.

Tonight, not much is on the agenda. A former high school classmate who is putting together a presentation for our class reunion wants some pictures and info, so I'll see if I've got something to send. Then I'll probablly do a bit more prep for my interview. I have a packet of forms to fill out, and I'm trying to brush up on what's going on with the company and what they do. Plus, try and get some exercise in somewhere, since it's nicer in the mornings to give Nipper some extra love and attention before I go to work. Yeah, I'm like putty in his paws.

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