Friday, May 11, 2007


I had to take Nipper to the vet this morning. Last night he threw up several times, even though he hadn't eaten for almost a day. It took him awhile to act like he was feeling better, too. So I talked to my vet last night and she said to bring him in for some tests.

I dropped him off before I went to work, and then worried all morning, especially when she didn't call. I was hoping that no news was good news, but I was also concerned that she had something she didn't want to tell me over the phone and was waiting until I came by to pick him up.

It was good and bad news. She had gotten him to eat a can of dogfood and keep it down, so that's good. The blood test, however showed his liver enzymes were way up. She did a sonogram of his belly (poor guy has a shaved tummy now) and said there is a small abscess on his liver. She couldn't feel it, though, so it's very small and she said it doesn't move around much. But this is similar to the problem he had a year and a half ago, so she said it's something that is obviously progressing.

So next week she wants to take a closer look. Lilke actually opening him up and looking at it herself. I trust her, though, and I'm sure that even with his age (13), he'll do OK. She'll likely do a biopsy then, but since it's small, I'm hoping for the best. She told me of a cocker spaniel patient of hers who has had a liver abscess for three years, and does quite well except for an occasional episode.

So it's good in that it's not likely something that's life-threatening. But on the other hand, he may not be the same spunky pal I've had for years. I've kind of been trying to prepare myself for this the last couple years as he's gotten older and dealt with arthritis that slowed down a bit, but I imagine the weekend might find me shdding a few tears ... and getting them licked away by my long-time pal.

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