Monday, May 14, 2007

Difficult day

Today was hard to get through. I didn't sleep well, and woke up about half an hour before my alarm went off. Normally if I did that, as soon as I stirred, a tail would be thumping on the bed nearby, and when the alarm would go off, he would usually get up and come lick my face until I'd get up. Or sometimes, Nipper would wag his tail a couple times, then take a long stretch and snuggle closer to me -- or maybe he was trying to get more room on the bed!

I had a hard time telling people at work -- there were a couple I told, and others noticed something wrong. At first, I could barely choke out the words, but talking about him helped. So did the two pictures of him I have taped to my computer. At first I would tear up when I looked at them, but it got easier because those pictures helped me remember better times.

But then it was hard when I was on the way home and knew he wouldn't be there to greet me. And I broke down when I told mom it was hard not seeing him lying on the porch, watching for me. She said she swore she felt him lying on the bed next to her at one point today.

And now here I am on the computer instead of trying to put a collar and leash on a dancing, barking dog. Looks like I'll have to look to myself for some motivaiton to get moving. One thing about a dog, you can't NOT get some exercise with one around.

The days will get better, one by one, I guess. One day down.

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