Monday, January 16, 2006

I know it's been awhile

Truthfully, I haven't been feeling as good as my last post may have sounded. Through the last week I've just felt dead tired. Since treatment last Tuesday, the fatigue has hit hard, not to mention the digestive problems. I haven't felt much like eating more than liquids anyway. I went to work only half days Wednesday and Thursday, managed to get through a full day Friday and then had to work the desk (about 11 hours) on Saturday. I was walking like an old, arthritic person, as one buddy at work put it. On top of all that, it was hard keeping my spirits up last week. Nipper and I spent a lot of snuggle time together.

My white blood cell counts are way down again, so not only am I in my little "office" again, but I'm on antibiotics and had Neupogen shots Friday, Saturday and Sunday to bring the count up again.

Sunday was spent all day in bed still dead tired. Some scrambled eggs from Mom in the evening perked me up a bit, but I ended up staying home from work this morning. I got up and went through my usual routine, but was pretty exhausted after my shower. So I called in sick for the morning, and glad I did. About the time I would have got to work, the bone pain from the Neupogen shots kicked in. Imagine the worst ache you've ever had (ladies, that's probably not too difficult, guys I don't know what your equivalent would be ), and imagine it coming from deep inside every big bone in your body -- not just hips, but the lower back, thighs, shoulders, arm, sometimes even the ribs. This is from deep inside the marrow, too. Fortunately, painkiller and the heating pad seem to help.

I have to go in for lab work today to see if I'm up for chemo tomorrow. I might put in an hour or two at work (God forbid a man should have to do the Food Page). It's an awful blustery day today, too. At least we're not getting the snow they were predicting earlier. But I wish I'd been feeling better yesterday when it was about 70 and sunny and my poor dog should have been out enjoying it instead of comforting me. He needs a raise.


sandegaye said...

I admire your tenacity.. hang in there. You are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Nipper probably does deserve a raise, but then, don't most dogs? In any case, I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know you remain in my thoughts and prayers.