Friday, November 11, 2005

Getting better

The sutures aren't painful at all now, just kind of annoying. I was able to take a decent shower this morning with just a slight discomfort. Up until yesterday, I had to hurry through my shower because going braless was just uncomfortable as hell. Maybe tonight I'll try sleeping without one. Maybe.

Finished up my first week back at work. It was only a three-day work week, but it seemed long enough. I'm not sure I even like what I do anymore. It's not the same, not as satisfying or even interesting to me. It's frustrating more often than not. I don't think it's just the particular place I'm at either. It seems like the industry as a whole is changing, and not for the better. Part of me thinks I should stick it out and fight for what journalism should be, and another part of me is saying know when the battle is lost.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot of call where I'm at for the kinds of talent and skill I have. And other jobs around here pay far less and/or have lesser benefits. And maybe now isn't the best time to making that kind of change in my life. So I guess I just have to muddle through and hope something will happen that might spark some interest in what I do again.

Well, the weekend is here at least. I should get my car in for an oil change, and maybe a wash since it's fairly nice. Maybe a trip to the library to find something to read the rest of the weekend.

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