Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Back among the living ... if you can call it that

I am out of my "isolation chamber" at work and back in the newsroom! It wasn't a huge adjustment to make, getting used to being around people again. I'd missed the chatter on the scanner and the joking between reporters and editors. I do miss, however, being able to play my CDs kinda loud and having a private place to talk. But I'll be back there in a little over a month anyway when I prepare for my next round of treatment. I'll know on the 29th what that schedule will be, but at last word it won't start until after Christmas. So probably a week or so before, depending on how many cold/flu bugs are running around the office, I'll move back into my "office." Maybe by then I'll have some new music.

The sutures from my surgery are healing pretty well, although the upper one is still looking kinda icky at one end. It's still red and a bit swollen, even though I've been putting an antibiotic cream on it at least a couple times a day (well, almost). I've taken to cleaning it with a cotton swab the last couple days, and while a little gross, it looks a little better. I'll see what the surgeon says on Friday.

Tomorrow, Mom and I head off southeast with her truck and will return with not only it loaded up, but also a U-Haul to move my dad up here. It might be a bit strange having both my parents that close again, but it'll be good too. He'll be around if we need the help when my treatment starts up again, and he'll be close by in case he needs us too. So maybe no report tomorrow, but probably Friday after meeting with the surgeon.

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