Monday, October 03, 2005

As I was saying ....

I just spent about 15 minutes writing a post, previewed it, then clicked the wrong thing and lost it all. You'd think I could've just clicked my back button, BUT NooooOOOOOoooooo! Thanks a lot, Blogger. (why does Blogger's spellchecker not know "Blogger"?)

Anyway, as I was going to say, last week was OK, but not the best. It seems the effects of the chemo drugs might be a bit accumulative. Normally on the second week of the treatment cycle, I'm on my way to feeling pretty good. But all last week my stomach was a bit queasy, and it seemed the "chemo brain" was worse. I was clumsier than usual, and more forgetful. There were several times I walked out into the newsroom, and couldn't remember why. I was almost in a car accident Friday. I was going to change lanes, signaled, looked behind me and moved into the lane and got honked at by someone who I swear was not there before. I adjusted my mirrors and am real careful driving in city traffic, but it was unnerving.

I also got into a fight with my boss Friday just before the end of the day. We both were shouting at each other. He apologized for his behavior, which I appreciated, but I just kind of mumbled "me too." Not to play the cancer card, but well, hell I have cancer. It, and the future, are on my mind a lot. Not to mention that I have some pretty serious drugs put into me that wreak havoc with my brain and body. I'm going to be moody. And I don't know what will set me off until it happens. Like this morning, our reporter who is writing some stories for breast cancer month e-mailed one of her stories about a support group to me for my opinion. She had invited me to sit in with her on the interview with several of the members last week, and that got emotional at times. But reading that story this morning, I had to close the door to my work area for about five minutes as I cried. I had already heard these women's experiences, but reading about it set me off all over again. I hadn't expected that at all. I just hope I can design the package for Sunday without blubbering like an idiot the whole time.

On to other things. Nipper seems to be doing better. He's eating more of his dog food, not that that stops him from wanting our food any less! He'll go to see the vet tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure what to expect. I guess we'll see whether or not she wants to do another ultrasound or blood test or what. I don't know what Nip will do if he doesn't get more pills to take. I always wrap his pills in Velveeta to make it easier to give to him, and call it his "magic cheese." He's come to expect it the last couple weeks, and if we forget he reminds us with The Stare that dogs are so good at doing. I'm sure he'll still expect it after tomorrow.

Mom finished up two skullcaps for me today -- one with chili peppers and one with pumpkins. I also got package today from my brother with a scarf with cool fall colors, a beige skullcap in a neat textured fabric and a cool one with silver dragons. Including ones I've bought and others have given me, I now have 4 bandannas, two scarves and 14 skullcaps. And mom still has six fabrics to make more with. We're going to have to get pictures one of these nights. Maybe I'll post "headcover of the day" shots if we do.

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