Sunday, July 31, 2005


I am finally feeling better. Wednesday evening, I came down with a cold. (thanks, co-worker who came to work Monday with a constant cough and sniffles). It probably wouldn't have been a big deal, but the surgery probably weakened my system enough it was just too much. I stayed home from work both Thursday and Friday and it's only been today that I feel anywhere near like myself again. Maybe I should have called the doc, just to make sure that's all it was and if she had any suggestions as to what to do, but it's a cold. Or maybe it was the flu, I don't know. Either way, by the time you know you've got it, all you can really do is ride it out, even with the medicine available today.

I guess I will have to watch out for that kind of thing from now on though. The chemo will affect my immune system, of course, so even if they OK me to go to work, should I be worried if a co-worker comes in sick? I'll have to put that on my list of questions for the oncologist Wednesday.

In other news, we have a rabbit's nest in one of the backyard flower beds. Nipper actually found it, unfortunately, and by the time I got him away from it, there was one dead bunny. I don't know if he actually killed it, but they're pretty delicate when they're newborn, so it wouldn't take much to fatally injure one. We fenced off the area, and we just don't let Nipper out by himself, which is kind of a pain, but he always wants to go over there as soon as we let him out. A couple squirts from the hose convinced him I was serious when I said "no!" The bunnies are probably about a week old, so there's ONLY about three more weeks of this! At least mama rabbit didn't abandon the nest.

Tomorrow, back to work. It wouldn't surprise me if I get chewed out for not planning ahead for some graphics that were supposed to be used this weekend. Because I bet there's some people who think I was faking being sick just to get a few more days off. Never mind that I needed a half-hour nap to just recover from getting up to go pee. You can tell I love where I work, huh?

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