Friday, July 08, 2005

Well crap

There's stronger words for it, but what's the use?

I had a biopsy on the lump in my breast today. The doc (who's been doing this for 15 years -- "boobs are us," her nurse said) is pretty sure it's cancer, based on the sonogram last week and just looking at the tissue sample she took today. The tests will be back Tuesday or Wednesday. I guess the bit of good news is that when she took tissue from the lymph node under that arm, she said that looks normal. So maybe it's just in that one area. If the biopsy comes back positive, then there'll be an MRI to make sure it hasn't spread, then chemo to shrink the thing.

Strangely enough, I am very calm. Maybe somewhere I knew what it would be, and was subconsciously preparing myself for it. Telling friends at work was tough. Telling my brother and especially my dad will be tough. Dad especially worried about cancer, since both his parents died of it -- his father from lung cancer and his mother from some abdominal cancer (I never knew specifically).

Tomorrow, I have a friend's wedding to go to. I haven't seen her much since she and her fiance moved to Connecticut, where she got a job. I'll have to tough it up. I don't want to bring such a downer on her special day. She said she'll be around town next week and will drop in at work probably Wednesday. I'll tell her then.

It was quite annoying when I told one co-worker today and she starts asking some probing questions and tries to give me advice -- that I should get the lumpectomy right away and then chemo, which is directly backwards of what the doc said today is the preferred method of treatment. Just because you're sort of the health beat reporter, StP, doesn't qualify you to give medical advice. Maybe I should report her for practicing medicine without a license. Ha.

And can I just say damn, those biopsies make your boob sore!

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