Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sping blows in

It must be spring, because the wind is blowing like crazy and there were tornadoes this morning on the other side of the state.

Another sign of spring: "our" geese are back! The past three springs since I bought this house (and the day I first came to look at it), there's been a pair of Canada geese that hangs around. I suspect they nest nearby, although I've seen them with goslings only a couple of times. Here's a photo from a couple of years ago:

We also have The Bachelor, our name for a single goose that has often made our yard a hangout. We don't know if it's male or female, though. I did get it to come close to me last year (baited with some Cheerios) to come close enough for a few photos:

Man, the wind is blowing so hard, and it's so dry, the place on the other side of the creek is almost obscured. The forecast called for winds gusting to 35 mph. I think they missed the mark by about 20 mph.

This can stop now, thank you. I'm just glad the pecan tree doesn't have leaves and pecans on it yet, otherwise, this might happen again.

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