Friday, March 24, 2006

A day to glow

Today was my last day of radiation. Hooray! That feels like a giant step closer to being done. We were going to go out to dinner to celebrate Thursday, but Mom's got a bad cold, so we just stayed in and tried to watch moves.*

The only bad affect I had was this last week when the doc upgraded my reaction to a 3 (on a scale of one to five) and gave me a prescription for a cream. It seems to be getting better, but is still kind of sensitive. They said it could take two or three weeks before it's healed. I'll see the doc in about two weeks, so I'll know how it's going then. I'm also supposed to avoid sun exposure, so the therapist told me "no nude sunbathing!" No problem, since there's still snow on the ground.

There's been an older couple from my hometown that's been coming in for his radiation. I didn't know them very well, but we'd chat while waiting for our appointments. They weren't there today, and I wished I'd gotten to see them just to say "good luck." Maybe I'll see them Tuesday, or some other week, since I'll be going in for my Herceptin for awhile.

Not much else is going on. I'm still having trouble keeping my virtual fish alive, and I started over yet again. Maybe if I'd quit forgetting to pause the game before going to bed and therefore neglecting them for almost 24 hours ...

*Do not watch a film called "Sunshine State." It is dull dull DULL. Too many stories going on at once, too much talking and it's all about as interesting as your own life. Not the reason I watch a movie. "Run Lola, Run" though, was suspensful, if a bit weird.


sandegaye said...

Good for you finishing up the radiation!
Yeah, I watched 'Sunshine State' awhile back. I couldn't believe how bad 'Carmella Saprano' looked in it!

Elle said...

Run Lola Run is just nuts. I watched it with someone who had attempted to watch it 3 times but fell asleep each time. Unfortunately, it had the same effect on me.

JunO said...

I would have bought more into the stories in "Lola" except for the glass-blowing shriek thing. That just didn't make any sense.