Monday, February 26, 2007

What a weekend

Man, Saturday was probably the weirdest day I've ever seen, weather-wise. There were thunderstorms in the morning, with a tornado reported in the county to the east of us. Lightning struck a house in the town where I work, and also a utility pole at a restaraunt, toppling it over onto someone's car!

When I left for work around 1 p.m., it was raining at home. I got about halfway to town (where the weather always mysteriously changes) and hit ice. Within a few miles, I was on the scariest drive I've ever had -- the roads were covered with icy slush, and I almost slid off the road about three times in just a few miles. And I was going only about 30 mph.

When I got to work, my boss was standing in the doorway having a smoke, and he told me all this had started just about 45 minutes before I arrived. It looked like it had been snowing all morning! There wasn't a lot snow (in fact, most of it has melted off now), but it came down hard and it was windy, so it was pretty hazardous to be out for awhile. After work, I ended up crashing at a co-worker's house. But by the time I headed home Sunday morning, the highway was clean and dry. There were three cars that had slid off the road, though, so I'm glad I stayed in town. As tired as I was, I probably wouldn't have made it home OK.

I've had kind of an upset stomach and headache since yesterday afternoon, so I haven't gotten much done. But usually my Sundays after working a Saturday are kind of a waste because I'm pretty tired. So today is laundry day, and then probably a walk with the dog this afternoon, and that will probably be about it.

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