Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Stick me with a fork ...

I am done!

I went to see the doctor today as a follow-up to last week's MUGA scan, and learned my ejection fraction had gone down again, now at 48 percent. It has to be at least 50 percent to continue on the Herceptin, so the doctor said today she was just going to go ahead and end it. I was supposed to go through December for a full year.

So that means that I am done with my cancer treatment! The problem with my heart should correct itself and won't be any serious concern. I'll probably have another MUGA sometime next year just to make sure, the doc said. And I'll have the port-a-cath in for maybe a year just in case (which seems like the norm, from what I've heard and read), so I'll need to have it flushed (or cleansed) about once a month. Besides that, I'll have checkups with the oncologist every three months for a couple years, then every six months and then that should be it.

It's a bit of a weird feeling. I wasn't prepared for it to end today. I thought I'd go back on the Herceptin and was all set for a treatment when I went in today. Now I've got a new "normal" to get used to all over again... being normal.

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