Sunday, April 02, 2006

Windy weekend

If I hate the wind so, why do I continue to live in one of the windiest states? I wonder about that sometimes, like when the wind howls at about 40 mph constantly for three days.

I did get some outdoor work accomplished, though. I finished raking up around the birdfeeders and cleaning last year's growth and collected leaves from the garden on the east side of the garage and got my wildflower garden partially cleaned up before some dark storm clouds moved in Saturday. Cutting down the pampas grass was the hardest part. It must have grown to about 10 foot tall last year, although winter's winds knocked the fluffy tops off it. I ended up using my small electric chain saw to get through it.

Today has been laundry, a walk with Nipper and some reading. Tonight is probably more laundry and reading.

Next Saturday I work, and then I'm off for a whole week, as my brother will be coming up for a visit from New Mexico! We don't have anything special planned, although I'll have my usual Tuesday treatment and Mom and Dad have some doctors' visits, too, I think.

That's my exciting life.


sandegaye said...

We had lots of wind here over the wk-end too! And it always brings my allergies to high-alert status.
Have fun w/ your bro when he visits..

Julie said...

I hope you have a great visit w/ your brother this week and that the weather is good for you all.
I hope you continue to feel good.
Take care.