Thursday, April 13, 2006

More bad news

Just when things start looking up.

My dad went to the doctor a couple weeks ago with some bladder problems. He was told he had an enlarged prostate, and they also did a biopsy. It came back showing "some cancer." He had a follow up visit with the urologist today, and we found out it's extensive -- six of the eight areas they biopsied show cancer.

The good news is it sounds like it's curable. Dad seems to be opting for surgery, removing the prostate, and the doc said this is a very successful option for a lot of men. They'll check the nearby lymph nodes, but he said the bone scan Dad had today looks clean. He'll find out for sure on that when he sees his primary doc tomorrow and a radiologist has looked at it.

And Dad's still pretty upbeat about everything, so that's good. That's probably the most important thing is attitude, really, and I'm glad he's approaching this the way he is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad--please tell him I'm praying for him. He'll probably remember from the store, we always laughed at the same jokes. ; >