Sunday, May 05, 2013

We are now a House of Fur

I realized recently it's been quite awhile since I've posted. I have a lot to post about, actually, I just haven't gotten to it. So I guess it's time for some updating.

The biggest news is the latest addition to the household of me and my dog, Buster.

Say hello to Keaton (Get it? No??). She startled me Halloween morning in my garage as I was going to my car for work. She wasn't 100% afraid of me, but she wasn't 100% trusting of me right off either. But she would stay in the garage on the colder fall nights and eventually would let me pet her. She wasn't too fond of Buster at first, and would run and hide from him, much to his frustration.

December came, and it got much colder, and being the sucker I am for a furry face, I started buying some cat food and putting it out in the garage for her. It didn't taker her long to figure out the hood of my car was a nice warm spot to hang out after I got home. Smart kitty.

Eventually, I decided why not just make her part of my home, and set up a little place for her in the garage where she could be warm and safe. She seemed to enjoy having a nice, cozy bed on those cold nights.

I thought about getting her spayed (or neutered; I wasn't sure which at this point) and even brought her indoors a few time to check out the house, and on some warm weekends when I had the back door open she would even come in to check things out herself. But about the time I thought I'd have the money for the spaying/neutering, I noticed she was looking a little ... round.

So I decided to wait awhile.

And so, three weeks ago today, I went out to the garage to feed her but she didn't come running like she normally did. I spied her up in the rafters, and realized there would be only one reason she wouldn't come get her food.

Yup. Kittens. Four of them. I fixed up a box with some old sheets and towels for bedding and that's where they were for the first couple weeks of their life. But as they started trying out their wobbly little legs, I decided to move them inside.

A friend has loaned me a pet taxi for a large dog, which is big enough for Keaton and her kittens to all have some room. It's in the walk-in closet of the spare bedroom, and I leave the closet door open and the bedroom door closed so she can get away if she wants to while the kittens are napping. The last few days, I've let her go outside while I'm home. She seems pretty happy with the arrangement.

And how has Buster reacted to the kittens? He's been a very good dog, actually. Since I brought them inside, he can't wait to go see the kittens as soon as I get home or as soon I get up in the morning. He sticks his head inside the kennel, and he sniffs and licks at them, but he's really pretty gentle. Of course, I watch him pretty close and when he seems to be getting too excited then it's time to go. Keaton even seems OK with him being near. She's never tried to move them or hissed or anything at either of us. She seems pretty trusting, which I find amazing.

More cute kitten pics:

These were taken just today:

Come back soon; I'll post more pics, I'm sure.

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