Monday, May 20, 2013

I bent a little, but didn't break

I was going to post this as a reply to my friend Karen's comment on my previous entry, but it started getting long, so I thought I'd make it an update instead.

 I made it a full week without any pop! Even having pizza at Mom & Dad's on Mother's Day (the strawberry lemonade was great!), and eating out a couple of times for lunch, I managed to avoid it.

 In the spirit of transparency though, I did have a soda over the weekend, but it was the Sangria SeƱorial — no HCFS. I found the little Dillon's here in town still carries it. And there's a brand of root beer and ginger ale at the local natural food store I like that I will probably still drink.

 Breaking that mental trap of "I NEED to have a Pepsi" is the most important thing for me, because I'd fallen into that again and was drinking a 20-ounce bottle nearly every day. That's just not good, for many reasons.

 I think I am past that stage, though, and I'm finding alternatives. Iced sweet tea is one, as well as lemonade. I picked up some green tea bags tonight and will try that iced, as well. It takes a little more work than just going to a vending machine or convenience store, but it's worth it.

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