Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blame Pinterest, breakfast edition

This morning, I got busy making a bunch of stuff for breakfast. I've never been much of a breakfast person, but I also really hate that feeling I get at work when all I can think of all morning is "how long until lunch?"

But having two jobs, I don't have a lot of time. So it's nice to be able to find a lot of things on Pinterest that I can make ahead when I do have time. So today was breakfast day.

I made these baked oatmeal muffin things. I halved the recipe, because last time I made these, the full recipe made nearly 30, and there's only so much room in the freezer! This time, I also put the chocolate chips in the batter instead of just on top so they'd be less messy after heating in the microwave.

Then I made these egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches, and these breakfast cookies. So I should be set for breakfast for awhile.

I've also got quite a bit of stuff, mainly soup and chili, in the freezer for lunches and dinners, too. It does take a lot of time at once, but it is overall a time saver. Plus I'm eating better, and not eating out every day.

ETA: As if that wasn't all enough, I decided I'd throw some soup in the crockpot.

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