Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Getting used to solitude

So I'm alone again, this time for a little over a month, as Mom is on her second big adventure and having fun, it sounds like.

My Labor Day weekend was fairly quiet. I did get quite a bit done, though. I cleaned out my car, which I've been needing to do for a long time, got some mowing done and hacked down a lot of the long-gone sunflower stalks out back with a new garden toy -- er tool: a machete. I'd been looking for one all summer, and the store I'd seen them at in previous years didn't have any until last Saturday. So I got a 22-inch blade, and must admit it was kind of fun once I got the hang of it (swing in an arc, not just one way seemed to work best). For a few minutes there I imagined I was in an Indiana Jones movie or Romancing the Stone ... OK, a bunch of dried-up sunflowers aren't the same as a South American jungle, but it was still a lot of work.

I did some cooking and food prep, too, to make things easier when I get home from work, and especially since I'll be starting this part-time job soon. Got some chicken breasts prepped so that I can take them out of the freezer before I go to work and pop them in the oven or on the grill when I get home, meatballs I can toss in spaghetti or sweet & sour sauce, things like that.

And I started on a small project for the kitchen, but you'll have to wait until I'm done to hear about that.

Tomorrow I have my training for the second job. Mainly, this will be watching some videos, filling out paperwork, etc. I should find out what kind of schedule I'll have, too. Then in the evening, it's time again for my support group meeting. We're putting together some sort of thing to give out during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, but I don't know what it will be yet.

I also need to take a look at the material for the grantwriting course I'm taking through the local university. The class doesn't officially start until next week, and the first week or so is scheduled to just get familiar with the information, so it's no rush. But it's never too early to start I guess.


Emily said...

The kitchen - does this mean I don't cook anymore?

Anonymous said...

I could probably use one of those machetes myself, all those giant weeds behind my place. -bro

JunO said...

Not a chance about not cooking anymore, Mom! Although it might be a bit easier ...

And bro, you totally need a machete ... to go with the fedora!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I'd also need a new fedora to go with the machete, tried my current fedora on today and it's been hanging on the coat rack for so long it's become lopsided, looks terrible. Been thinking about getting a new hat for a while anyway, it's definitely time now. -bro