Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Has it been that long?

A couple days ago, I got a call from an old-high school friend. She was collecting addresses and contact information of all our class members to help plan our 20th class reunion next year. "TWENTIETH?!? No, way!" was my first reaction. But, yes, it will be.

She e-mailed me a list of all our classmates, with addresses and phone numbers. About half have e-mail. I remember at our 10th reunion, whenever I talked to any of my friends and eagerly asked "do you have e-mail," hoping to build up my address book, all I'd get is a blank stare, like they were thinking "oh, that's for geeks ... like you." Now, I bet they can't live without it.

Just under half are still living in town, which is kind of surprising. Another 10 live within a couple hours' drive. There's a handful around Kansas City. Only about half a dozen live outside the region, and there's one overseas.

Six of us are dead.

One is now the principal of the high school we graduated from. Two are married to each other.

I haven't even been back to my hometown for about five or six years. Once in awhile, I see someone here when they come up for shopping or something. Or I see their parents. And their lives all seem as ordinary as mine. I'm sure we all had big dreams of where life would go. And then reality happened. We grew up, got jobs, started families, whatever, and now we shake our heads at the youngsters around us who think they will achieve Great Things and listen to that godawful music too loud ...

But we're not old or anything. I'm just sayin'.

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