Sunday, April 08, 2007

More garden talk

So long to the spring weather ... and the spring flowers.

After the beautiful weather the last couple weeks, this week turned cold. We even got a couple inches of snow, although it melted pretty quickly. It's still cold today, though. Most of my flowers that I pictured and talked about are just wilted, mushy caricatures now. The tulips are flattened. The ones up front didn't even get the chance to bloom. The daffodils are all hanging their shriveled blooms, and the daylillies and hyacinths aren't perky. Most of the muscari look OK, though.

There are good things continuing, though. The iris all look OK, and so do the lamb's ears. The hosta are coming up good under the pecan tree. Probably a good thing they haven't unfurled their leaves yet, so there's not much that can be damaged.

I've been working on the computer most of the morning, and see the geese have made their second appearance at my birdfeeder. And earlier, I saw the goldfinches have donned their namesake color for the spring and summer.

I should take a break and take Nipper for a walk, but he's sleeping pretty soundly (and cutely) on his bed in the living room. He's been cooped up a lot this week, though, so we should get at least a short walk in. Then later, Dad wants to take us to Easter dinner ... at the local bar & grill that recently expanded. Is a BLT considered appropriate for Easter?

Well, I'm off for a couple days, but I have a project I need to get done, and then maybe another one for later in the week as well, so I should sign off.

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