Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Alone at last

It's just Nipper and me for awhile. Mom has taken off on her "maiden voyage" with her travel-trailer (which she has named Eggcarto, because it kind of looks like an egg). She's been working real hard to get everything ready and I know she was a bit nervous about setting out, but I know she'll do well. You can read about her adventures in her own blog here. There's also a permanent link on the right of this page. I have to say I'm real proud of her for taking on a new challenge like this. Go, Mom!

Just taking it easy tonight. There's severe weather farther east of here, so the Wichita TV stations (or at least the one I watch on Tuesdays) are giving a lot of time to that. Not a lot to watch, in other words. So maybe I'll just turn the volume down and read a book.

I've been doing a lot more reading lately. I'm kind of trying to have to force myself. Since a large part of my job involves reading, I usually just don't feel like after a day at work. But I miss reading for pleasure, so recently, I made a list of things I should be reading, based on what people on a bulletin board I frequent said they liked, and also from the flyers and stuff I get from a book club I can't seem to figure out how to quit. Then it was a trip to the library, and so far, I've liked what I've picked up.

First was The Shape Shifter by Tony Hillerman. Love these books, and this one seems to maybe be taking Leaphorn down a slightly different path than he's been on. It'll be interesting to see how the events in this book affect him later on.

Then I read Cormac McCarthy's The Road. It was the first of McCarthy's works I've read. Very bleak, but he's created a very realistic world. This will probably be one of those that much later, I'm still forming what effect it's had on me. I was really surprised I was able to pick it up without having to get on a waiting list, considering the all-powerful Oprah selected it for her book club.

The I started reading Mad Dogs by James Grady, but then left the book at work over a weekend and started reading another. I usually don't like to read two books at once, but it was kind of nice having one to read at my lunch break and then something totally different (see below) at home. Again, haven't read Grady's earlier work, but I might have to after this one. So far, at least, it's got a good balance of tension, action and goofiness.

The book I started reading while also reading the above-mentioned book was A Fool's Gold: A Story of Ancient Spanish Treasure, Two Pounds of Pot, and the Young Lawyer Almost Left Holding the Bag. I'm not sure how much of this I really believe. It's a pretty fantastic tale, enough that's believable, but also enough to make you wonder how much embellishment is there really? It was pretty entertaining, though.

That's it for now. I've still got a long list to get through, and I've even added a few since I started.

Time to spend some quality time with the dog. He's been wondering where mom is, and keeps running for the door whenever he thinks he hears her truck pulling into the drive.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Gee, alone at last!, maybe I should come home and keep you (or at least Nipper) company. No way Jose! You won't see me until I come home!