Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm back

Back in the newsroom, that is. My last lab work was normal for all readings, and the nurse practitioner told me this week that the radiation shouldn't affect my counts too much. So I had my computer moved back into the newsroom Wednesday. It's kind of hard getting used to all the noise and activity again. On one hand, I missed all the noise, but on the other it was kind of nice to be away from it and have a private place to talk with co-workers.

I'm feeling great, physically, too and it feels good to feel good. I feel as good as I did before all the chemo started, in fact. No fatigue, stomach aches, constipation, etc. etc. And there's no affects from the radiation yet, either, except some soreness at my incision scar. It's not anything major, though; just some occasional discomfort. I expect to see something soon, though, as from what I've read it does take a couple weeks for anything to show up. I've been using aloe vera gel and trying to exercise. It's going to be pretty cold through the next handful of days, though, so I don't know how much exercise I'll get.

It's nice that things are really looking up again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're finally feeling good! -bro