Saturday, November 16, 2013

Turned out to be a different day

I have the weekend off, and wasn't really sure what I was going to do with it earlier in the week. I considered renting a carpet cleaner and taking care of the carpets in the house, but those plans kind of changed.

I got home from work last night with a plugged-up ear. I thought maybe it was because there was a live jazz band at the mall for a fundraising event, and I'd spent too much time a little too close. But this morning, it was still plugged up. I got the critters fed and went back to bed for a couple hours with the heating pad on my ear and neck to see if that might help. It didn't.

Other than occasionally having some drainage, I don't feel like I've got any other symptoms. I'm not dizzy or congested or anything. But I thought that just in case, it'd be a good idea to have some cold and flu fighting foods on hand, so I went to the grocery store. I got a few oranges and a couple sweet potatoes, and some ingredients for other things, a gallon of milk and filled up both of my 3-gallon water jugs. Just in case I do come down with something, I'm stocked up.

I also figured it'd be good to have some spicy stuff on hand to help fight off anything. I had hamburger cooked up, but it was in the freezer, so I decided to try this meatless chili from Thug Kitchen. It is REALLY good. I used Redd's Strawberry Ale, since that's what I hand as far as beer. I'm just not a beer drinker, but that's OK stuff. For the carrots, I had a bag of shredded carrots I'd used for another recipe. I just dumped a few handfulls in the pot, but next time I will actually chop them up a bit smaller.

I also decided to try making these biscuits. I don't have a rolling pin, or really the space to roll out dough, so I made them drop-biscuit style and they turned out great.

That's probably enough for today (although I might make some brownies in a bit). With that veggie chili and some other things I already have made up, I'll be OK if I wake up in the morning feeling horrible. And if not, I've got some more cooking I want to do.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Honey is always good when you are ailing - or maybe ailing! Biscuits sound good.