Thursday, December 19, 2013

Time for a civics lesson

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
— Mark Twain

Before you go screaming about "free speech" and "censorship" whenever someone opens their mouth and inserts their foot, ask yourself these questions:

1) Did the government prevent the person's comments from being published or broadcast?

2) Did the government arrest, fine, bring criminal charges, jail or otherwise punish the person who spoke?

3) Did agents of the government kidnap the person off the streets or take them from their home in the middle of the night and make them "disappear"?

If the answers to the above are "no," THEN THIS IS NOT A FREE SPEECH OR CENSORSHIP ISSUE.


People are free to speak their minds in this country. That includes having an opinion about what other people say. And if someone puts themselves in the spotlight (like, say going on a reality TV show or voluntarily doing an interview with the press), then they should be prepared for the repercussions when they show their ignorance and/or closed mindedness.

A&E suspending the Duck Dynasty guy is a business decision, plain and simple. A smart one? Maybe not. I don't understand why A&E has that show on in the first place, except for the cash cow they figured it would be. But it's not like they couldn't have known, even before the show made it to broadcast, that those might be the views of these folks. And if A&E didn't like those views, they never should have put the show on their network.

If you want to know what real free speech issues are, then read up on what happens in Russia and China and quit whining about so-called celebrities getting called out on their ignorance.


Unknown said...

I disagree Juno! Liberals think they can adjust our attitude on what FREEDOM really means! FREEDOM OF SPEECH is ours, guaranteed in our constitution! I don't have to agree with what Phil Robertson "The Duck Commander" says, but I must defend his right to say it and believe it!

JunO said...

I think you missed my point, Geri. The Bill of Rights guarantees that the GOVERNMENT cannot take away your right to speak your mind.

Phil Robertson is not in jail, he was not fined nor was he charged with any crime. His freedom to speak was not abridged in any way. Just as everyone else in the country is free to speak up in defense or criticism of him.

What A&E did was a matter of free enterprise.