Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cue the 'Rocky' theme (surgery update)

Five days out from surgery and I'm feeling pretty good, really. Getting stronger each day. Fortunately, the doc was able to do the hysterectomy laparoscopically, so I just have three little incisions (one of them near/through the belly button — that's kind of weird to see) to worry about.

I was in the hospital through Thursday afternoon, and mainly they were concerned with making sure the pain was under control, that I got up walked at least once, that I peed three times (although they let me go after two) and that I passed gas. I'm sure glad I don't work in a hospital. Lots of respect for those who do.

I think I slept pretty much through Thursday after I got home, but Friday, I got up and walked around the back yard and half a block up the street with Buster staying nearby. I took painkillers a few times Friday, but was able to get through Saturday with just one, I think. I walked a lot more on Saturday, about 0.3 mile in three trips, either around the yard or just in the house. Mom stayed with me Thursday and Friday nights and helped out a lot with getting meals, feeding the critters and just being around for some support. 

I've been trying to eat fairly clean, too. Not a lot of sweets since Tuesday. I had some pudding in the hospital, and I've had some angel food cake and a couple cookies since getting home, but otherwise it's been a lot of fruit and other good stuff. I had some strawberries and bananas for when I got home, and Mom got some melons and berries the other day. This morning's breakfast is a banana-berry-green tea smoothie: 1 banana, 4 strawberries, a handful each of blueberries, raspberries and mixed greens, then a few green tea ice cubes to chill it. Pretty tasty.

Time to take a little walk with Buster, and then maybe a shower.

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