Tuesday, July 09, 2013

A little announcement

So I'm having surgery tomorrow. It's kind of a big deal. (WARNING: If you don't want TMI, read this summary and skip the next couple of paragraphs). Basically, I went to the doctor for something that was slightly bothersome, had a procedure and after that was done, the pathology report showed I had precancerous cells. Since I've had breast cancer, the doc recommended the troublesome parts be removed. That happens tomorrow, and I'll have to take at least a couple weeks off both jobs for recovery.

Still reading? Remember, I warned you. Here's the details.

The slightly bothersome part was periods that were lasting two weeks. So I saw a gynecologist, who recommended a D&C and endometrial ablation (pretty much what I was hoping to hear). Those procedures, done at the same time back in March, seemed to go pretty well. Except the following week, the doctor's office called and said the pathology report showed I had precancerous cells in my uterus. I had my oncologist look at the report to get her opinion, and she agreed a hysterectomy would be a good idea. 

OK, I'll try not to get too TMI again if you're skipping to here. I'm not too worried about the surgery itself. The GYN gave me a 50-50 chance of having to do it by incision, which would mean several weeks off both jobs. I'm hoping they don't have to do it that way, because that second paycheck is kind of necessary, and that's the one I'd have to take the most time off from if they cut me open.

I think I've got everything done I need to get done before tomorrow morning. Mom knows how to feed the cats, she'll be around for whatever help I need afterwards, and I've got (hopefully) plenty of reading material. I'm just more concerned about being bored than how well I'll heal.

Anyway, whatever good thoughts/vibes/prayers you want to send my way will be appreciated. I'll be at the hospital bright and early Wednesday morning, and will get updates out somehow as I can.

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