Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year's end

Here's how exciting my New Year's Eve is so far: I'm sitting here at 8:30 p.m. with the laptop watching "The Replacements" (for Keanu Reeves, of course, not the footbal) while Buster snores on his bed. Dinner was pretzles and a Pepsi and maybe later I'll make cookies. And then, if I can actually stay up to midnight, I might open up that little bottle of champagne I got at Day of Caring.

Wheee! OK, actually I'm not sulking over that or anything. Just in a mood for a quiet evening, really. Today was work at the paper, and tomorrow afternoon is work at the mall, so not a lot exciting going on anyway.

This week, though, I did get to visit with some people I haven't seen for awhile, which was cool. There was my friend who I had lunch with today. We used to work together, and she works for a paper in Indiana now, so it was nice catching up and talking shop (and about her upcoming marriage!). A friend I don't get to see too often and her husband took me out for a birthday dinner Wednesday. Nice to talk to her someplace besides online and get to know her husband a bit better. And while there, we ran into another former co-worker of mine and her husband back for a visit with family. Earlier that day, while stopping at the mall to visit with a friend I don't get to see often since she works days now, I ran into one of my favorite college professors and caught up with her. And earlier in the week, it was lunch with another friend from the mall who's moved to another town.

So a good week, overall. And I'm looking forward to 2010. This year hasn't been the best, but it wasn't the worst. But I think this coming year will be a good one, despite the uncertainties of the economy and what affect it might have on my job and all the other unknowns that are out there, but I'm going to do my best to make it a good one.

Happy New Year, all. You go out and make it a good one, too.

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