Tuesday, September 08, 2009

You try to be nice ...

I was out in the back yard, trimming a low branch of the tree, when I saw one of my neighbors' pups had gotten out of his kennel (and was playing with what was left of the injured dove I'd seen in their yard earlier). He's just a pup and probably doesn't know much about cars, and they weren't home, so I thought I'd be a good neighbor and put him back in his kennel. Thought it'd be easy, just pick him up and let him jump in. Ha. Ever try to pick up an unruly, energetic puppy?

So in the process, he knocked my glasses off. I might have stepped on them, or they hit something hard, because the right earpiece thing was all bent out of shape. And when I got back in the house and tried to get them to some shape I could wear them, that popped the lens out. And of course, who has a tiny screwdriver handy for fixing frames? Not me. I ended up using Superglue to get them wearable again. Of course, that got Superglue all over the lens. (Nail polish remover does work, though!)

I've been meaning to get new glasses anyway, so I called the eye doctor I'd last seen, oh about seven years ago, and they actually had an opening this afternoon. So I got my eyes checked -- the prescription has changed just a little, for close-up reading, but otherwise my eyes are OK. The doc did say, though, that probably next time I come in (which should be two years), it might be time to consider bifocals. Sigh.

But I do have some pretty cool new glasses on the way. Should be about two weeks. I'll just try not to be nice to other people's dogs, I guess.

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