Saturday, August 25, 2007


It's nice to sleep in on a day off, knowing I'm not wasting the only decently cool hours of the day. Today is supposed to be only about 85, instead of the 90 to 100+ degrees we've been having the last month. So I slept in, and lay in bed for a bit enjoying the sounds of all the birds along the creek -- the cardinal setting his territory, the blue jays calling back and forth to each other. Now I'm just trying to become completely awake so I can get dressed and do something.

It wasn't too bad out last night either, so I went down by the creek and did some work I've been putting off in the summer heat. I trimmed some dead branches from one of the willow trees -- a couple had been hanging down far enough that it was hard to mow around them. No problem there anymore! Of course, the main branch they come off of isn't all that alive either, and as much as it was bouncing as I sawed at the smaller branches, I was a little worried the whole thing might break off and fall on me! It didn't, though. I'll have to take care of that big one, too some time. I spen a bit more time cutting down some poorly placed saplings and sucker branches, too. Today, I'll probably go get them cleaned up and do some trimming on the grass that grew in around them. The creek overflowed it's banks several times this summer, so in addition to all the sludge and stuff it left behind, it just made it hard to get down in there and do the work too. So if feels good to be able to get that done.

One of Mom's friends from out of town is coming up for a few hours to visit and have lunch. They don't get to see each other much, so I might just let them have their time and do my own thing. Or maybe they want me around, I guess we'll see. Mom is getting ready to go off on another adventure with her little trailer, Eggcarto, so she's getting pretty eager to get off her work days and get fully prepared for that. I'll be glad to have some time in the house to myself, although I guess it could get lonely too. Last time she took off, Nipper was still here.

I do miss having a warm, furry body around the house, and it might be about time to get a new pet. I'm not totally sure yet, though. I'll be starting a second, part-time job in a couple weeks that might require me to work a couple weeknights, after my "real" job. Since I live in a different town from where I work, that means I would be out of the house from about 7:30 a.m. to almost 10:30 at night. Doesn't seem fair to do that to a dog. Especially when I don't even have a dog door for it to let itself out. And dogs just don't like being alone for long either -- they need their pack. So I'm considering a cat. But I've never had a cat before, so I'm not sure about that, either. The job is only a substitute position, though, so it might be OK for a dog if I'm gone that long say maybe once a month. Anyway, I have been looking at local shelters' animal lists, and while there are lots of cute dogs and cats out there, I haven't seen what might be quite right. I don't want a puppy or a kitten -- I'm not sure I'd have the time to properly housebreak one, and I'm not sure I have that much energy anymore! Besides, older animals aren't as quickly adopted as the babies, so I'd feel good giving an adult pet a good home. Ideally, I'd like another beagle mix, but I won't limit myself to that, either. I'll just keep watching.

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