Sunday, July 29, 2007

A good weekend

Today has been pretty quiet, but I got some laundry done and even got on the exercise bike and did some yoga -- something I haven't gotten my butt around to doing for a few weeks. Time once again to get back into that routine. It rained off and on this morning and afternoon, so I just hung around the house, surfing the Web, watching some TV and finishing the sheep mystery (it was pretty, goo, too. Maybe more on that later).

Yesterday, it was much hotter, but I spent part of the day at the Habitat for Humanity house under construction here. I hadn't been there since the first time -- I had to work one week and had some lousy headaches the other weeks. Since I'd been there, they'd finished up framing the exterior walls and two of the upstairs bedrooms, put on the trusses, had plywood sheeting and that plastic-type stuff (moisture barrier?) on the exterior walls, and then Saturday were starting on the roof. There were more people there this time, too, even a couple of guys who do construction for a living, so I'm sure that helped. A few guys were on the roof, putting on plywood sheets and I joined a couple who were working on the soffit. Again, I'm not sure I was all that much help since I can't seem to pound a nail straight, so I ended up holding a lot things, helping measure, etc. The impressive thing is I spent most of the time on scaffolding, and I have a fear of heights (although it's not so much the height I'm afraid of -- it's the landing!). I was there about four hours before it just started getting too hot for me. I don't know if I'll go next week. If they're going to be doing roofing stuff, I'd rather avoid that, but maybe if there's some work going on inside the house I could help out. We'll see.

That's about all the excitement from here. Try not to be envious of me.

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