Saturday, March 01, 2014

On a new path for health

I've always been pretty happy about the fact that I have always been healthy enough that I have never had to take a regular prescription medication of any kind.

That's over with now.

Back in late November, I started having a ringing in my left ear. I've had tinnitus since I was maybe 7 or 8, a high-pitched tone in both ears that I really only notice when I'm not feeling well. But this was like a different layer to that -- a low pitched rumble that would have some vibration with it sometimes.

The night I first noticed it, there had been a band out the mall for an event, and I though maybe I just spent a little too much time too close to their speakers. Or I had an ear infection maybe. I went to the doctor then and was given an antibiotic, but all it did was make me feel confused and light-headed. So I quit taking it. Money was tight then, and I didn't go back to the doctor. I just lived with this noise. It was tolerable, and I only noticed it when I was home and didn't have the TV or anything on.

But then in the last week or so, it started becoming noticeable at work, even through all the office noise and busyness. I debated about going back to the doctor, but finally called on Thursday for an appointment. I'm glad I did.

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, since both my parents have it. I've put on some weight over the last year or so, and haven't been as good on watching what I eat, too. So here we go, on another path for health.

I now have a month's prescription for lisinopril, and then it will be back to the doc to see how that's doing. In addition, I also picked up a blood pressure monitor and a bathroom scale. It's been awhile since I've tracked my weight. I've put on about 10 pounds since the last time I did. Time to do something about that, too.

I'm going to do my darnedest to try and not have to be on the meds forever. It might not be possible, and even if I do make that happen, it's something I'll have to keep a watchful eye on for the rest of my life anyway. 

I'm on both MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness, if anyone is interested in joining up on my health path.

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