Sunday, July 01, 2012

Hot & dry

It has been extremely hot and dry here for more than a week — temperatures 100+ and last night was the first rain we've had in a long time. Lawns are turning brown, and even the creek I live along is just a series of puddles, really.

So last week, I set up a watering station for the birds and other critters. It's pretty simple. Just a dish from a clay pot. I put a few rocks on one side so smaller birds can get in and out easier. Then I cleaned out a milk carton, filled it with water and poked a small hole near the bottom and hung it over the dish on a garden hook. It drips into the dish, helping keep it filled while I'm gone. The sound of the dripping water is also supposed to attract birds, plus some of them seem to enjoy standing under the drips for a bath.

This little family seemed to enjoy it. I think they're young starlings.

This grackle took a long drink and then a little bath under the drips.

And I got some neat splash and ripple pictures.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I knew I got my tote lid idea from somewhere. Have to put my K-State pot hanger over the lid and see if that works. Thanks for reminding me.