Friday, May 06, 2011

Impromptu project

I bought a new grill recently, and really want to use it this summer since I have such a nice backyard. So I thought it'd be nice to set up kind of an outdoor kitchen.

Late last year, I, um *salvaged* a tabletop from a broken food court table at the mall. I had no idea what I would do with it, but thought it might come in useful. Last week, I was contemplating putting it out with some trash for our city-wide cleanup, but kept it. Glad I did.

I was cleaning up my dining table to set up and another piece I've got plans for earlier this evening. I looked at my old microwave cart and wondered what I could do with that. It's been just kind of a catch-all to put stuff on in the garage, but I like reusing things so I cleaned it up, too.

The top of it was pretty nasty, however, and not really suitable for the outdoor kitchen idea. And then I remembered the salvaged tabletop.

I turned the cart upside down so I could remove the top and threw that away.

Then I put the old tabletop on it and more or less centered it.

I marked where the screws should go, and predrilled the holes, then put the tabletop back on, lining up the holes, and attached it with the same screws from the cart's original top.

And here's the outdoor kitchen setup. It's got everything but a kitchen sink (I wonder if I can find a wine barrel?) and a fridge. And that table in the foreground of the picture? That's my next project. But you'll have to wait for that.

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