Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A busy week

I'm starting to feel like I have a life or something. There's so much to get done and not enough time to do it. Of course, if I'd quit goofing around on Twitter, I'd probably have a lot more time!

Actually, it was kind of a hectic week last week. Mom had some health problems, which meant not one but two trips to Hutchinson, where her doctor practices. She's OK, and actually impressed her doctor with how well she's doing.

In the meantime, I've been dealing with back and hip pain for about three weeks. I probably should have gone to the doctor a couple weeks ago, when the pain was almost unbearable at times, but I'm kind of stubborn. I've always had back problems and had to deal with some bad pain from time to time if I've lifted too much or moved the wrong way, but I'm used to getting over it in about a week or so. So as the pain went on, and since it was also in the hip, I decided I'd better get to the doc. X-rays showed no fracture, and nothing else that shouldn't be there, but there is some arthritis in the backbone.

So now I'm getting some physical therapy for my back. I've had one appointment so far and was given some exercises to do at home. They're not all that different from the yoga I (try) to do a few times a week. And the PT said I have a slight curve in my spine, and that's causing the joint between my backbone and my hip to be out of whack. So the therapy is supposed to put them back in alignment. It does feel better. I don't want to cry after I've been sitting for awhile now.

On top of all that, my boss' wife had a health crisis, too, so he was out of the office most of the week. That kind of put a burden on my-coworker, as he had to take on a lot of the extra work with me being gone too. Things are settling down now, though.

Unfortunately, I haven't had as much time for the Relay for Life Web site and newsletter. So I'll have to carve out some time for that this week. Hopefully the other committee members and team captains will get me more stuff to put in it!

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