Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good weekend

Buster and I are both back home after our weekend. Buster had a good report from his vet's visit, except for his weight. He's about 15 pounds over what he should be, the vet said. She said I could cut down on the amount of food I give him, so he's gradually going on smaller rations today. And maybe we'll go for a bit longer walk every day. Buster seems to be happy to be home. I'm glad he's home, too.

My weekend was pretty good. I survived driving through Wichita traffic -- not a bad feat for a small-town girl. Although we did get to know the Oliver loop to Kellogg pretty well. Seems we kept taking the wrong turn onto Kellogg, but with all that construction going on, it was hard navigate. We got lost only once, on the way to the reception, and were about an hour late, but there was still plenty of food. And we weren't the only ones who had a hard time finding the place downtown. But it was worth it to be able to see Karen & Eric get to celebrate and how happy they were.

And Vanessa Peters was great Friday night. Not too many of the people there were there specifically to see her -- and it was Oktoberfest -- so the crowd was a bit rowdy. A fight even broke out at one point, but overall it was enjoyable. I got to talk to her and her guitarist, Manuel, before the show and during a break, and during another break she sat and talked with a group of college kids (mostly Chinese students) who seemed to be there more for the music than the booze, which was cool. She's got some albums available on iTunes, if you're interested.

Back to work tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be as tough a week as the last one.


Unknown said...

YAY! It was so awesome to see you! I totally should have put a direction to park in the garage across the street. My total bad!!!!

JunO said...

No prob. It all worked out, and we were glad we could be a part of your day!