Monday, August 11, 2008

So hungry

So tomorrow is the colonoscopy. That means tonight, no food, other than Jell-O. And nothing red or purple, because that can apparantly cause some discoleration in your innerds. I was allowed to eat a light breakfast, but nothing but liquids and Jell-O after that. I did OK, really, until this afternoon, when I had to put together the food page for the paper. And then a co-worker came in and starting munching on the Chees-its she keeps in her desk and another came in with Chinese take-out.

Now I'm just sitting here on the couch waiting for the colon cleanser to start working. It's not going to be a fun evening. Maybe by the time the doc lets me go tomorrow, I'll feel good enough for a big BIG lunch somewhere.

Oops. I think the stuff is starting to work. It's about time for the first of many trips to the bathroom.

1 comment:

Jim said...

That's a bummer, I was allowed to have a light lunch as well as breakfast which helped me get through to almost bedtime before I started getting really hungry. Skipping breakfast the next morning was the tough part.